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Welcome Email Series – 5 Welcome Email Template

As we grew up older we have all heard our parents say,

“Greet the guests with a warm smile.”

Since childhood, we have been taught about how important it is to create a long-lasting good impression. May it be at home or at school we have always tried to keep ourselves in the good books, then why not our company. 

When it comes to your company it is equally important to have a long-lasting good impression, which is why you should give your customers a warm welcome. But how is that possible? If your answer is offering deals then let me tell you, you are partially correct. There’s a little more to it. 

One can give their customers a warm experience with the help of a welcome mail. A welcome mail is a part of the email sequence which is sent to the customers when they subscribe to your website. There are many mails in this sequence, one such mail is the welcome mail also known as the Welcome Email Series which is a series of welcome mails greeting the customers, sent at the start of this sequence. 

Welcome Email Series

When a customer subscribes to your website you wish to make their experience with you memorable and satisfactory, so they keep visiting your website often. If a prospect has voluntarily subscribed to your website, cheer up because you have already come halfway the route! But then where should you start from? A welcome mail for sure!

A welcome email series is a series of emails sent to new prospects to your company and can be later converted into potential buyers. This series can include 4-6 mails to the customers. Welcome emails are important to make your customers feel special. These mails are a sign that you want to build happy and long-lasting relations with your customers which is why you are welcoming them by email.

Here are a few Welcome Email templates with points which you should include in your welcome email series.

Welcome Email Template 1: Welcome Onboard Email

The welcome onboard email is like a warm greeting to your guest where you invite them to come in and join you for a cup of tea. Similarly, your welcome onboard email should be more about welcoming them onboard your company and least about sales. Make sure you use this opportunity to the fullest by introducing yourself and your company in a few lines. Also, try expressing gratitude towards them and thank them for being a part of your family.

Hello [name],

I’m [name], the founder of [company name] and we’re grateful to you for taking out time and subscribing to our company.

Started in [year], We at [company name] strive hard to fulfil our customer’s needs and to make your experience satisfactory. We have all sorts of products to comfort and upgrade your lifestyle.

It is our immense pleasure to have you as a part of [company name]’s family and would love to assist you. 

[add a link to your website]

Thanks and Regards,

[Your name]

[your designation].

Welcome Email Template 2: Try it for yourself email

This email is an opportunity for you to introduce them to your products in a more detailed manner. You can start by talking about a common issue and then giving a solution for the same. You could also give them an offer or a free trial to a few products to give them an experience and to grab their attention.

Hello [name],

Ever wondered how different things would have been if we never had to do [mention a problem]. But don’t worry we have got you covered with [mention product]. It helps you [mention quality 1] and [mention quality 2]. 

Would you like to try it out for yourself? Here is your 7- day free trial to the best lead generation products from Esto leads

[add link to the website]

We would love to hear your feedback on our product. You can contact us at [mention email or contact number]. We would love to assist you.

Thanks and Regards,

[Your name]

Welcome - Welcome Email Series - 5 Welcome Email Templates - Esto leads - Lead generation machine
Image Coutesy – Unsplash

Welcome Email Template 3: Further Introduction of the company Email

This is a great opportunity for you to give detailed information about your company to your customers and help them build trust. You can also send them invites for webinars or send them videos about your company, increasing their expectations from your company. 

But keep in mind that you do not spoil the hype by not fulfilling their expectations. 

Hello name],

Hope you are doing well! 

Are you bored at home? Give us a chance to amuse you with our products. 

We at [company name] sell products such as [mention products] with monthly flash sales and many more deals.

Want to know more about us and our products? We will be thrilled to share it with you.

Join us on [date] in our webinar where our CEO shall address you more about our company. Get a chance to win offers in our lucky draw of the day. 

Register yourself at [mention link] 

Till then here is a heads up for you [their name]. We’re looking forward to seeing you there.

You can also find more such videos about us at [mention link] 

Warm regards,


Welcome Email Template 4: Thanks Giving Email

The thanksgiving email is an opportunity for you to show your customers that you are a big-hearted firm that believes in customer relationship management. You can do this by sending them a surprise gift as a token of appreciation.

Hello [name],

We’re glad you signed up for our email newsletter! 

As a token of appreciation, we’re happy to give you a 25% off on our [mention name] products.

Here is your coupon, avail your discount with the referral code mentioned below. 

Happy shopping!

[link and referral code]

Warm regards,


Welcome email template 5: Sales Rush Email.

Now is the right time for you to start introducing your customers to your sales side. Emails post this mail will help you start your sales funnel process. By now your customers already know about your products and their details. Now is the time to get them to buy something. You can send a mail telling them about products that are for sale and are about to get over. Creating such situations can get people to buy your products. 

Hello [name],

Thanks for being a part of our family. We’re glad to have you. 

Being a part of our family we would like to share with you details about today’s flash sale. 

We have a flash sale running today for 3 hours and guess what [mention product] is at 15% off its actual price. 

So what are you waiting for click on the below mentioned link and get yourself one now!

Thanks and Regards,


These were the 5 templates with the help of which you can welcome your customers and build relations. You can also add 1-2 more emails as per your convenience and make suitable changes.


1. Make sure your emails are not too long as the reader might avoid reading or lose attention. 

2. While mailing, use an email ID that is warm and not a cold one. If you have a cold email Id you can warm it with the help of EstoLeads – Lead Generator Machine, so that your email doesn’t end up in the spam folder. 

Welcome - Welcome Email Series - 5 Welcome Email Templates - Esto leads - Lead generation machine
Image Courtesy – Unsplash

Why do we need 4-6 emails?

Most companies often wonder as to why do we need to send so many welcome emails? Can’t we just mention all of this in one? The answer is no, you cannot. These emails are sent to grab the prospect’s attention and not to just talk about your company in general. Sending these emails will constantly remind people about your company and your deals and will prove to be a great chance for you. 


Many times you will notice that prospects won’t open your emails or might open them but no action is taken.  But you don’t need to demotivate yourself here, sometimes it is good to clear your email list. This series also gives you an idea of who will most likely be your potential customers in the future and make room for new customers. 

Along with this you also need to keep in mind getting raw leads through outsourcing so as to keep up with the email funnel and not stop the work. With the help of the best lead generation tools by Esto Leads – Lead generation machine, you can find raw leads with just one click in a few minutes. 

You can refer to other blogs like: 

Apart from this, you can give your active customer a better experience with the use of automated Chatbots by Estolesads – Lead Generating machine and be available for your customers anytime. EstoLeads also provides you with the best b2b lead generation tools.

Other tools by EstoLeads: 

  • Domain Lead Dump
  • Social Proof widget
  • API To Prevent Fake Email Registration
  • Extract B2B Emails From the largest B2B social media
  • Review Magnet

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